The Fascist Attempt to Freeze Funding
A recap of Trump's spending freeze, the lawsuits stopping the freeze, and how you can take action to counter this destructive move
The first thought that entered my mind was, “Trump’s funding freeze will kill people.”
In my home state of Illinois, Governor Pritzker’s office confirmed that Trump’s funding freeze has completely shut Illinois out of Medicaid. Four million Illinoisans rely on Medicaid for their healthcare, including my own loved ones. And it was not just Illinois. Every single Medicaid portal in all 50 states was down. It’s critical we document what happened, the Trump regime’s backtracking, and what legal steps we can take this week to better ensure this does not happen again. Let’s Address This.

This article has three parts:
Documenting the disaster of Trump’s spending freeze.
National outrage, lawsuits, and the Trump regime backtracks (temporarily).
What steps you can take to support the lawsuits and protect our critical services.
1. Trump’s Spending Freeze is a Disaster
On Monday the Trump regime attempted to freeze spending on $3T of Congressional appropriated funds. As a result of Trump’s reckless and illegal freeze, by Tuesday:
Medicaid portals crashed nationwide—millions of low-income Americans were at risk of losing access to lifesaving healthcare overnight. Keep in mind that Medicaid covers 41% of all births in America. The “pro life” party that constantly screams about "declining birth rates," but won't fund universal healthcare, won't fund pre-K, won't fund child tax credit, won't fund school lunches, and now eliminates healthcare needed for 2 of every 5 babies. Again, this will kill people.
Section 8 housing assistance was suspended—putting people relying on vouchers to keep a roof over their heads at risk of homelessness.
Head Start and University grants are being thrown into chaos—Professors and low-income children and students could lose access to critical education programs.
Food prices are rising even faster—eggs are already more expensive than they were three months ago, and this freeze will only exacerbate economic instability.
This is what happens when a fascist attempts to seize power that does not belong to him. Donald Trump claims this is about ensuring “money isn’t being wasted on DEI initiatives.” But that’s a blatant lie. This is an extension of his authoritarian Project 2025 agenda—a plan designed to dismantle diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and ultimately, any federal programs that help the most vulnerable Americans.
When pressed, the White House finally issued a statement claiming they never intended to freeze Medicaid or Medicare, and that the media lied. This deflection is an example of the Trump regime refusing to take responsibility for their reckless behavior. But it’s also a reminder that raising your voice in outrage matters, and we cannot afford to be silent against Trump’s attempts to advance his autocracy. Because if he is allowed to continue unchecked, things will only get worse.
Meanwhile, MAGA voters cheering Trump on do not seem to realize that his funding freeze would disproportionately harming low-income white people. Why? Because the largest demographic of Americans who rely on the federal welfare benefits that Trump is trying to freeze are low income white Americans. Indeed, nine of the top 10 states reliant on federal welfare are GOP run states. The MAGA racist obsession with the myth of Black and brown people "abusing welfare" is full circle. Dying of whiteness, as Professor Jonathan Metzer’s book declares, is real. Fortunately, left leaning organizations and Democrat attorneys generals are stepping up to protect all Americans, regardless of party affiliation.
2. Who Is Fighting Back?
Legal challenges are mounting in response to Trump’s reckless and unilateral decision to freeze federal spending. While a coalition of state attorneys general is set to file a major lawsuit, The National Council of Nonprofits and several other organizations have wasted no time already filing their suit.1 They sued the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and its Acting Director, Matthew Vaeth, in federal court, seeking an emergency temporary restraining order (TRO). The plaintiffs argued (correctly) that Trump’s freeze is not only devastating but also blatantly illegal, as it violates the separation of powers by overriding Congress’s control over federal spending. U.S. District Judge Loren AliKhan issued a TRO, blocking the freeze. However, this TRO expires on February 3 at 5 p.m.
That is why this next lawsuit by attorneys general from 22 states and D.C. is so critical. These states are challenging Trump’s authority to unilaterally block funding that has already been lawfully approved by Congress, emphasizing that his executive action is a clear violation of constitutional law. Here are the 23 states and DC whose attorneys general have filed suit against Trump’s spending freeze:
Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, and Washington D.C.
These states and AGs are taking a stand to protect their residents from Trump’s reckless and illegal power grab, ensuring that critical programs like Medicaid, housing assistance, and education funding remain intact. They are fighting for all Americans, regardless of party affiliation. That is how justice is supposed to work. Remarkably but unsurprisingly, not a single Republican attorney general has so far joined this lawsuit— even though such a freeze would hurt their own constituents the most.
This legal battle is far from over, but one thing is clear: Trump’s actions are not only cruel but unconstitutional. The courts must act swiftly to block this unlawful power grab before more lives are put in jeopardy. And you can help. Here’s how.
3. How Do We Support These Lawsuits?
If your state AG is on the above list, call their office and thank them. It is always good to reward our elected officials by telling them when they are doing a good job. On the other hand, if your state’s Republican attorney general is not on the above list, call them and demand they join this lawsuit to protect you and your neighbors. It is good and critical we tell our elected officials when they are screwing up. The below link allows you to select your state and go directly to your respective attorney general.
Find and Contact Your Attorney General:
This may seem like a small act, but in large numbers it works. For example, just this week ICE shut down its immigration snitch line because too many people allegedly called in fake reports. Mass movements work! Find your AG, call them to either thank them, or demand they join this lawsuit to stop Trump’s fascist funding freeze. And then forward this article to everyone you know and ask them to call as well.
Trump has already signaled that this budget freeze is just the beginning. If he gets his way, fully gutting Medicaid, Section 8 housing, SNAP, and Social Security will all be next. If you’re angry, good. You should be. Channel that anger into action and do it this week.
I will continue to provide updates as they develop. Subscribe below to receive them in your inbox as I publish them. For now, we do not have the luxury of apathy. We do not have the time for inaction. We need the clarity of purpose and the courage to take action. Call and demand your State attorney general join the lawsuit to permanently ban Trump’s freeze on vital health and care. Make your voice heard.
Thank you for having all this information provided clearly and concisely. This administration is full of liars and thieves who don’t care about 99% of us! And it really makes me think MAGA is not paying attention to the fact that the vast majority of people in this country that will suffer from these freezes are WHITE and in RED states. Wow.
Thank you; sent my gratitude to Kris Mayes, AG of AZ.
Also from Chop Wood, Carry Water:
Indivisible is recommending we call or write our DEMOCRATIC Senators and say this (and I agree):
Hi, my name is _____ and I want the Senator to fight Trump’s illegal actions with everything s/he’s got. Trump is shredding the Constitution, breaking the law and violating the separation of powers.
I want the Senator to use every tool available to grind Senate business to a halt until Trump stops attacking the constitution. This includes:
—Opposing all Trump administration nominees
—Denying any requests for Unanimous Consent
—Opposing all Cloture Votes
—Requesting a Quorum Call at every possible opportunity
Will the Senator commit to refusing any cooperation until this unconstitutional power grab is stopped? I’d like a response in writing, please.