I think I was clear--I said a third party candidate won't win this time around. I will probably vote for Kamala, although being in CA, I could vote for Claudia De la Cruz.

Kamala has a lot going for her AND she could do much better. When I heard her repeating the lies around October 7 and promising "most lethal fighting force in the world," I felt ill. So I refuse to judge anyone who can't bring themselves to vote for her, especially those with ties to Palestine.

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It is not the GOP platform.

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It may not be the GOP, er excuse me, formal Trump platform, but Trump embraced the Planin 2023, stating to the effect that his victory in 2o24 would bring it to pass.

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Crooked Trump For Prison!

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Mr MAGA has already been destroying our USA’s democracy, honor, political system, reputation, and each other, FROM WITHIN, even before being elected by the ‘Electoral College’ NOT THE PEOPLE, president of this very young & naïve country.

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We also need to be discussing the fact that the far right and their dark money(Koch brothers) are pushing for an Article V convention to rewrite the entire constitution. They only need about 6 more state legislatures to sign on. Our state governments are certainly not working for us.

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This is true. Hopefully there will be no more signatures pushing for a convention.

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I need to correct an error I made in a previous post. I posted that the heads of all the major networks are Trump donors, which I have since learned is false. I apologize for not fact-checking that before I shared it. You can find the fact-checking on Snopes.

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Dismantling the administrative state and rendering it nonfunctional is the goal of Project 2025. Seniors depend on retirement benefits and medical care, which they so cavalierly toss aside. Women don't want to be turned away from ER care. Only cowards pick on the vulnerable. Read the Foreword at least. It's all there.

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I just caught a little of you on Anthony Davis's THE WEEKEND SHOW. I'm getting ready for bed and will finish watching tomorrow.

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I apologize for calling the writer a melonhead. The left has a very loyal following despite its inability to create a sustainable society for humans, this left has and will descend to communism with the help of the fake right they teach you to hate. Christ is the only way you get out of this alive, no other version of the truth other than the straight up Biblical version. Love you Sam Katz.

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The left is trying to create a sustainable society, but it is difficult with the amount of money going into elections. The left will not descent into communism... that is pure rightwing BS.

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You’re no Christian. You claim the mantle of religion in order to push your politics. You’re chaff on Judgment Day.

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Love you rc

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You don't know what that means.

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The contents of Project 2025 have been on the GOP's agenda for years, and red states have been applying those policies already. We must be disgusted and shocked, but not surprised.

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This is the worst piece of journalism I've ever read. You are simply projecting your opinion of what America first means to you. I can't believe anyone would pay to read a parrot of Rachel Maddow mixed with Cobert. Who censors who melonhead?

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This is very thoughtful journalism. You are behaving like a Project 2025 apologist.

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Look it up. Nothing is being projected. Trump’s chief advisor — the odious imprisoned Steve Bannon — just did an interview with David Brooks at the New York Times. Bannon is fully on board with this and made it very clear. Calling people names doesn’t put you out there as some intelligent being … you’re just a nasty person calling people names. What does that mean? Look up the heritage foundation and weep, child. Using that old GOP trope “parrot” is so immature as to be pathetic. By the way, I had an African gray parrot, and it was more intelligent the most right wingers I know.

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I've read the project and I like it, strong family, no more endless war, get rid of admin state. Give peace a chance. America first. Yall got the left twisted and the fake right but what do you expect reading NY times garbo. Let's not debate insulting one another's intellect in order to make a point. I apologize for the melonhead jab.

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Yeah, you like a distatorship which is what this proposes. All power to the president; the constitution undermined. If you can't see that, well that's on you.

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Project 2025 is pure fascism, dude. The "administrative state" is the ONLY thing keeping you safe. As for no more "endless war" -- we are NOT at War, in case it eludes you. However, without support to our allies, we're probably toast. Unless you want to be speaking Russian or Chinese, peace is not determined by America right now. That's delusion. By the way, the countries who want to take you over are Communist nations, so it's odd you would be on board with letting that economic system spread. Or are you supporting a Manchurian candidate and you, too, are a former KGB agent, like Putin? Of course, you're willing to give up women's rights to their own bodies -- as if there was something humane about FORCING a woman to bear children she doesn't want, or a child of rape or incest. That, dear James, is SICK. Are you a SICKO? Is that why you support the end of a woman's right to choose and birth control? I'm not "Christian" and have NO intentions of paying my tax dollars to support religious indoctrination or deny science. You might think denying climate change is okay, but Mother Nature isn't interested in your shitty science denial or ignorance. Climate change is real, and if you haven't learned by now the planet is burning up, you certainly won't have to worry about "hell," as we'll be living in it without food or water and burning up alive. Project 2025 is a sick, deranged, fascist societal plan. Labor unions, which they want to destroy, have given Americans everything they have on the job, including health benefits, holidays, safety and labor protections; and unless you want to go back to slave labor (which you might), you have to be incredibly ignorant to think some Robber Baron is going to treat you any better than the Gilded Age treated it's workers. America First was the slogan of the American Nazi Party during WWII. No thanks. Your comments insult everyone's intelligence. As for the NY Times, it is as brilliant as it ever was. The fact that you don't read it or mock it might account for some of your ignorance. Being a White, Christian male who thinks he deserves to own the world doesn't cut any mustard with me. In case your mama and papa never made it clear to you, you are not superior to anyone else, so no, I'm not planning to be ruled over by the Christian patriarchy any more. You better get used to it, dude. Not buying the shit from the fake "evangelical" racist, xenophobic, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, Islamophobic anti-Semitic, porn star fucking, pussy-grabbers and financial cheats. By the way, for a party that supports a man who paid off a porn star and then lied about, I'm fascinated by Project 2025 attacking porn. That's hilarious! Trust me, when the door closes, I'm sure it's biggest, loudest proponents of Project 2025 are screwing their brains out with porn stars while lying to their spouses -- hypocritical asswipes they all are. No surprises there. That has never changed throughout history, which is why the Catholic Church shielded so many pedophiles for centuries, as all religious institutions have. Project 2025 will make NO headway in America. The centuries have seen so many wanna be dictators come and go -- and in the end, they all get thrown out on their fetid, disgusting asses.

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Youve somehow become a very angry bitter person. I feel sorry for you. I dont really feel like any open minded discourse can happen here. Love you. I sincerly do, not some trying to be religous and evangelize. We all make mistakes Sam. Life is too short. Look out for the next pandemic, look out for the fake civil war, dont take their fake bird flu vaccines these things might make you meaner than you already are. Oh yeah when your party gets us into a nuclear war, we're all going to burn up

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HUH? You don' know me. WTF, dude? I'm a total stranger, and I just joined this website. You don't "love me," you don't even know me. Project 2025 is serious stuff, so why would I think breezily of this topic? Maybe you think your idiot comments are "funny," but don't quit your day job. There is NO humor here, just some weird fucking post ... wow. Open minded discourse should not include repression of other human beings, like women or LGBTQ community or all the other people Project 2025 attacks and wants to force back into some deranged form of slavery. I don't know who you are, dude, so I really cannot account for your odd comments.

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Go pound sand.

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It's amazing how emotionally attached to these ideas you are. I am a human being and you don't know me either but you take these political issues so seriously you sound rabid. Heavily boosted has prolly got you inflamed. You get fascism mixed up when your party is the one controlling the narrative.

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Parrots have been proven to have cognitive abilities, something James T. Is sorely lacking.

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There may not be an easy answer, but the 14th amendment comes as close as you’ll get. We have public officials that have made threats, openly supported sedition, and sided against US interests in favor of a foreign adversary. If that doesn’t qualify, then nothing does.

The problem is that Democrats are weak, selfish creatures too enamored with the status quo to do anything about it. Most of them, at least. We need new leadership, people that have a spine and will put our nation before their self interests.

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Good and thoughtful writing.

For my part I think the US experiment ended with the 2000 coronation of Bush Jr. by an arguably less corrupt USSC

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Qasim and Readers alike: This empire has subsisted solely off the stolen labor and stolen lands of Indigenous people. What we are seeing in Project 2025 and the u.s. election as a whole is the inevitable outcome of an unsustainable system built on genocide.

What you've described in this article has been the status quo for Indiegnous (Black / Native) people since the arrival of Europeans to this continent.

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You're absolutely right. There's no getting away from the fact that this nation was built on the genocide of one people and enslavement of another, and no meaningful reparations paid to even try to dismantle the systemic injustices that emerged thereof.

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I have that quote on a bumper sticker on my truck. One person actually seemed to appreciate it. How did Sinclair know, around 1935 that it would come here?

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It's attributed to him but I don't think there's clear evidence he said it. The principle sadly applies none the less.

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Jul 5Liked by Qasim Rashid

Mr. Rashid is correct, there is no actual record of him writing or saying that. It has also been erroneously atributed to Huey Long.

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Does anyone else feel like this is one big ass scare tactic? Like with the whole "don't split the vote by voting third party" or "a vote for 3rd party is a vote for the other guy" b.s. lie.. like we've never had a 3rd party potus before, because we have.. I wrote a short article about that just yesterday. People vote out of fear of bullshit like this choosing whoever they think is the lessor of two evils, even though there are some really great 3rd party canidates.. if people could just stop believing the bullshit scare tactics like this, and just decided to strip the vote away from these two racist sex offender war criminals, and poured them into any third party canidate then by the time we hit election these two fools would step the fuck down.

Just sayin fuck the two evils, let's vot for no evil.

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Noli, this is not a bullshit scare tactic. This is real.

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Dismantling the administrative state and rendering it nonfunctional is the goal of Project 2025. Seniors depend on retirement benefits and medical care, which they so cavalierly toss aside. Women don't want to be turned away from ER care. Only cowards pick on the vulnerable. Read the Foreword at least. It's all there.

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How'd that work out in 2000 and '16

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I get what you’re saying. And in some ways yes. Not because it isn’t terrifying. But because the is very little advice of what to do…other than vote, and especially “vote Biden”

When honestly, this was started long before Trump or Biden and will continue long after they are gone if we let it.

To sound alarms with no action plan is a sort of fear mongering.

It’s a mixed bag. Is it terrifying? Yes. But is it being used to scare people? Also yes.

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The advice to vote is the only answer. So you think people shouldn't be told about this because it is terrifying??? The MSM should have publicized this in 2023, when it was completed . They didn't, so you are finding out now. So tell everyone you know and vote aleady.

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I was a member of a third party for 20 years at least … No primary in it so there’s no real say. They never get more than 5 percent of the vote. It’s taught in political science and bucking the system didn’t work out for Gex-X or early Millennials… So I decided swing voter is where it’s at for ME personally.

I wouldn’t put it past Americans to get really pissed and co-opt the GOP out of revenge. The Republican Party just keeps getting jacked. So why not take it back for Harriet Tubman? She built it.

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Throughout U.S. history, third-party candidates have rarely clinched the presidency, but it has happened. The most notable example is Abraham Lincoln, who won in 1860 as a Republican when the party was still new and considered a third party.Other successful "third-party" candidates include:. George Washington (1789, 1792) - Ran as an independentJohn Quincy Adams (1824) - Ran as a Democratic-Republican, but was considered a factionZachary Taylor (1848) - Whig Party

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Someone write good article recently on how the founders set up a system that promotes a two party system. That is what we are stuck with.

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Not a scare tactic if it’s actively happening. And it is.

Whether you like it or not, the choice in November is Biden or Trump. No third party will win. Should it be that way? No. But reality is what it is. No third party has ever even won a single slate of electors in any state, ever. And it won’t this year, either. Third parties aren’t even on the ballot in every state. There is no oath to victory for any third party. It is Biden or Trump. Full stop.

Project 2025 is actually well underway. The Heritage Foundation already put together a whole online “training academy” to take courses on how to get one of the 50,000+ federal jobs they plan to remove non-Trump loyalists from. I personally know of three people who’ve already gone through the “academy” and they were shocked at how well organized it was and how crystal clear their aim was: get into government, do whatever Trump’s (anticipated) administration asks, dismantle it from the inside.

Project 2025 aims to roll back gay marriage, the approvals of birth control and abortion drugs and vaccines. They plan to eliminate the EPA and get rid of all clean air/water regulations and allow industry to dump whatever they want, wherever they want. They plan to gut OSHA, so that your workplace can now literally work you to death legally (again). They plan to eliminate food labels so that there is no clue about ingredients or allergens, which is a death sentence for people with allergies. They plan to roll back vehicle and air travel safety regulations. They plan to declare martial law and use the military to quell protests. All in the first 180 days.

I despise Biden. And I am *terrified* of Trump. To be honest, the choices in November feel like being told you have to choose which cancer you want. I am going to be voting for the less aggressive, slower moving cancer that my kids and I at least have a shot at surviving. The other option is ruthlessly malignant, well funded, and is looking forward to killing you. (They’re literally telling us now to let it happen and not resist, or there will be blood. On television.)

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Well, now we have Kamala who is doing well and appears to be an excellent candidate.

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That's a lie right there third party has wone the presidency 3 times in the past. I just wrote a substack about it a week ago

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Thing is, idk if you have picked your head up and looked around this has always been happening. A lot of that shit they've already done been doing for decades. But go head vote for thw genocidal maniac who is going to light up ww3 instead of the guy who's gonna light up a civil war... I'm still voting 3rd party and if people like you stopped weighing thw lessor of two evils and voted for no evil then maybe we would be okay for once

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OK for once? We will not be OK if trump wins. We will get Project 2025 and it will be devastating.

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You received an excellent response from Megan, I know this because I’m 50+ and have already lived voting laws& history several times. I live in a state that makes clear with its downtown confederate statue that it values slavery above its citizens. Megan is right, not all the states include third parties. I think you may want to give her post a second read & a bit slower unless you’ve got solutions that no one else has tried or heard of, which given your second response is probably a no.

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If people would stop believing the scare tactics that a vote for a third party is just a vote for the other guy, America could experience a genuine political revolution. This fear-mongering narrative is a deliberate strategy employed by the two major parties to maintain their power duopoly and discourage voters from exploring alternatives.

America urgently needs a viable third-party presidential candidate to break the dysfunctional two-party system that has failed to address critical issues like the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, concerning domestic initiatives such as Project 2025, and pervasive political corruption. A strong third-party candidate can draw support from across the political spectrum and energize disengaged voters, reshaping the electoral landscape.

This is entirely possible with the right message, grassroots support, and strategic campaigning in key states. By leveraging social media, alternative news sources, and early ballot access, a third-party candidate could build significant momentum and achieve a breakthrough victory.

Electing a third-party president would be transformative for American democracy. It would challenge entrenched power structures, bring fresh perspectives to government, and break the cycle of partisan deadlock. This could lead to more innovative solutions for long-standing problems, promote electoral reforms like ranked-choice voting, and create a more responsive political system.

By rejecting the false narrative of "wasted votes" and supporting a third-party candidate, Americans can vote their conscience and send a powerful message about their desire for real change. This is crucial now more than ever, given the pressing need to address systemic issues that the two major parties have consistently failed to resolve.

If voters embrace their power to choose freely, without succumbing to fear-based tactics, they could catalyze a political transformation that truly represents the diverse needs and values of the American people.

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It is not going to work this time around, Noli. I hope that most people will understand this.

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People like me are living in reality. People like you are living in a fantasy world.

If you think that voting third party in November 2024 is going to get this country any closer to progressive goals, I don’t know how to break through that level of denial.

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Says who, you. The one who wants to choose between genocide Joe and civil war Don? Pretending like there is no other Choice? It's thinking like that that lost Qasim his election. If you truly think that if the majority of “both sides” put down their fears and voted 3rd party that one of these criminals would still take the presidency? If you believe that then you believe that your vote doesn't matter yest you're still going to choose experiencd evil over no evil? Sounds to me like you're part of the problem

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You do you. Im sure it will be awesome for you and for America

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Definitely a scare tactic and also one that puts progressives in an awful situation--vote for the lesser of two evils, or a third party candidate that won't win in our current system--and no judgment of those who opt for the second. I think I can understand the burn it down mentality, but I can't go there, not while I know that millions more will suffer and die as a result.

We absolutely need more than the two corrupt parties we have, but until that happens, ranked choice voting is a start. I'd vote for the most progressive candidate and then possibly the second most. Yes, maybe holding my nose while selecting the latter, but I've been doing that anyway. And of course, having publicly funded elections would go a long way toward addressing many of our issues.

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It is not a :scare tactic"! It is real. We will have to make the best of this. Kamala is a good candidate and she is proposing policies that will help move the country forward.

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