Among other things, you said that Republics, and governments with written rules of governmental conduct, such as "Bills or rights" or constitutions, are freer or more humane or fairer.
That ain't necessarily so.
For example, your assertion made me immediately think of DeToqueville's work, entited "Democracy in America," which sought to assess America's Democracy.
He said, among other things:
Americans are taught to believle that they are given vital and seemingly sacrosanct protections against governmental abuse. They believe that things such as the constitution and the bill of rights insulates them against arbitrary and wicked governmental abuses.
And so the gullible American populace didn't even realize that the American government had lied to them about Vietnam for 3 decades. And most Americans are deaf, dumb and blind to the treachery and iniquity of Donald Trump.
Also, the constitution and the bill or rights can be bent out of shape through the downrright villainous interpretation of judges. It is BLACKLETTER LAW: The constitution is not what it says, it is what a collection of all too often prejudicial and biased judges of the Supreme Court say that it is. At present, we suffer judges in the pay of parties that have cases before the Supreme Court. They do not dispense justice; they dispense bias prettified with empty platitudes to create the impression of justice.
Another point:
You said that Sweeden and the Israeli Kibbutz do not consider themselves socialistic. However, one's self perception might not be accurate. I don't think Brezshnev thought that the USSR was a dictatorship, but I am sure you would have characterized it as a dictatorship.
It seems from article, you favor Marxism. Communists have killed far more people than fascists. Fascists and Communists don't like each other, but they are both totalitarian regimes which are destructive. A republic with a bill of rights is the best form of government for prosperity and freedom of expression that the world so far has seen.
Some states, that are deemed Marxist, have killed many people. I do not contest that.
However, I do not believe that the bloodiness of those states was derived from Marxism. Those states went on killing sprees because of long-standing problems in their national character. In Western Europe, the serfs were freed in the 13th Century; in Russia, the serfs weren't freed until 1862 or 1863. Dostoyevsky's grandmother once beat a serf till he expired under the blows of her whip. Voltaire recounts that upon visting the Tzar's palace, he saw, all over the place, heads impaled on spikes.
Marxism did not banish Freedom from Russia. Russian was made of the lash, the sword and a sea of tears. It never knew freedom in the first place.
China similarly had nothing but contempt and homocidal disparagement for the great mass of men.
Sweedwen and the Israeli Kibbutz were largely socialistic, and they did not substantially curtail or abridge human freedom
Thanks for your reply. You give good examples of past governments that were brutal against their own populations.
The violence of fascist and communist states may not be directly from the writings of Marx. For me, Marx observed the unfairness of the luxuries of the ruling class and the sub-par conditions of the working class and was trying to figure out a way to solve it. However, it seems that the countries that have tried to apply communism, new communist governments end up as much or more brutal than the preceding brutal regimes.
Brutal dictatorships and monarchies, just like fascism and communism, can all be considered totalitarian. Totalitarian governments have all seemed harsh against their populations. Republics that are republic with a enforce bill of rights, and not just a republic in name only, may not be perfect but have much better prosperity than than totalitarian governments. It seems that in republics, there is a certain expectation of personal responsibility with reward rather than dependency on the government.
Maybe trying to make everyone equal is good in theory but in practice it doesn't work. We should have equal rights, but we are not equal. People who are able and willing to produce more and artists and others who produce effects that uplift survival, deserve more.
But that is okay if the average person is willing to contribute to society and are afforded an acceptable lifestyle for them and their families.
A kibbutz is more a cooperative than a government. Sweden does not consider itself a socialistic government according to one official I heard speak.
The media acting like this is news is very worrisome. It gives the image of possibility and certain people lack the capacity to understand this is click bait
Imperialism. straight up ‘gonna take it because i want it’. he admired mafia dons, allegedly was a family bully and now has position, power and access to military and bombs. loves dictators. with 90 million registered voters who didn’t vote, whether by redistricting/voter suppression, bomb threats that closed voter centers, employed in places that didn’t allow long enough break times to go vote, or flat out chose to ignore civic responsibility, we are challenged with how to assist democracy to survive in this country.
Trump is a fucking nut job. And this is the trash that was voted into office. Doesn't say much for Americans. Of course, Harris wasn't any better. Just another warmonger like Biden. We are so screwed.
The story behind this economics and climate change. Currently , there is a drought at the Panama Canal. There is simply not enough water to facilitate regular traffic through the canal. There is currently a traffic jam at either end of the canal. Naturally, the cost to use the canal has increased. On the other hand, quite cynically, the ice sheet is melting in the Arctic, allowing for shipping traffic to increase. So Trump’s answer to all this (with Musk breathing down his neck) is to take over the Panama Canal and to takeover/buy Canada and Greenland.
So what we have now is not simply a lunatic in the presidency, but a lunatic and his new best friend. There is no underestimating the power the richest man in the world will have over a man whose only love is money. is true, but, most of Mr Trumps supporters are ignorant of (true) US history. And those that are not, are experts at twisting it to their ends. Had Arnold won at Quebec, 'New France' likely would have been the fourteenth colony. Which is by no means an apology for the recent absurd comments or negligence of media coverage.
Denmark is a founding member of NATO. I would absolutely call his bluff on this. Just get Britain and France to announce a joint exercise for nuclear-armed subs off the coast of Iceland for 'training'. Let's see how he likes them apples.
Among other things, you said that Republics, and governments with written rules of governmental conduct, such as "Bills or rights" or constitutions, are freer or more humane or fairer.
That ain't necessarily so.
For example, your assertion made me immediately think of DeToqueville's work, entited "Democracy in America," which sought to assess America's Democracy.
He said, among other things:
Americans are taught to believle that they are given vital and seemingly sacrosanct protections against governmental abuse. They believe that things such as the constitution and the bill of rights insulates them against arbitrary and wicked governmental abuses.
And so the gullible American populace didn't even realize that the American government had lied to them about Vietnam for 3 decades. And most Americans are deaf, dumb and blind to the treachery and iniquity of Donald Trump.
Also, the constitution and the bill or rights can be bent out of shape through the downrright villainous interpretation of judges. It is BLACKLETTER LAW: The constitution is not what it says, it is what a collection of all too often prejudicial and biased judges of the Supreme Court say that it is. At present, we suffer judges in the pay of parties that have cases before the Supreme Court. They do not dispense justice; they dispense bias prettified with empty platitudes to create the impression of justice.
Another point:
You said that Sweeden and the Israeli Kibbutz do not consider themselves socialistic. However, one's self perception might not be accurate. I don't think Brezshnev thought that the USSR was a dictatorship, but I am sure you would have characterized it as a dictatorship.
Why are people suprised.
Trump is not only a fascist. He is also something along the lines of the second coming of Adolf Hitler.
We are aware of many attributes that are common to both Trump and Hitler
I recently discerned a link between Hitler and Trump that hasn't yet been discussed in the media
Please examine this article; I welcome comments and criticism on my substack page, Mad Dogs and Englishmen
It seems from article, you favor Marxism. Communists have killed far more people than fascists. Fascists and Communists don't like each other, but they are both totalitarian regimes which are destructive. A republic with a bill of rights is the best form of government for prosperity and freedom of expression that the world so far has seen.
Some states, that are deemed Marxist, have killed many people. I do not contest that.
However, I do not believe that the bloodiness of those states was derived from Marxism. Those states went on killing sprees because of long-standing problems in their national character. In Western Europe, the serfs were freed in the 13th Century; in Russia, the serfs weren't freed until 1862 or 1863. Dostoyevsky's grandmother once beat a serf till he expired under the blows of her whip. Voltaire recounts that upon visting the Tzar's palace, he saw, all over the place, heads impaled on spikes.
Marxism did not banish Freedom from Russia. Russian was made of the lash, the sword and a sea of tears. It never knew freedom in the first place.
China similarly had nothing but contempt and homocidal disparagement for the great mass of men.
Sweedwen and the Israeli Kibbutz were largely socialistic, and they did not substantially curtail or abridge human freedom
Thanks for your reply. You give good examples of past governments that were brutal against their own populations.
The violence of fascist and communist states may not be directly from the writings of Marx. For me, Marx observed the unfairness of the luxuries of the ruling class and the sub-par conditions of the working class and was trying to figure out a way to solve it. However, it seems that the countries that have tried to apply communism, new communist governments end up as much or more brutal than the preceding brutal regimes.
Brutal dictatorships and monarchies, just like fascism and communism, can all be considered totalitarian. Totalitarian governments have all seemed harsh against their populations. Republics that are republic with a enforce bill of rights, and not just a republic in name only, may not be perfect but have much better prosperity than than totalitarian governments. It seems that in republics, there is a certain expectation of personal responsibility with reward rather than dependency on the government.
Maybe trying to make everyone equal is good in theory but in practice it doesn't work. We should have equal rights, but we are not equal. People who are able and willing to produce more and artists and others who produce effects that uplift survival, deserve more.
But that is okay if the average person is willing to contribute to society and are afforded an acceptable lifestyle for them and their families.
A kibbutz is more a cooperative than a government. Sweden does not consider itself a socialistic government according to one official I heard speak.
Feel free to share your ideas on this.
Is Panama breaking it's agreement with that it made with the U.S. when the Panama Canal was turned over to them?
Thanks for reply. I was curious about that. Do you have an article link you can refer me to?
Does anyone actually think Canada would be taken over and become a state?
Should we just wait and see? Smh
What if the majority of Canadian wanted to be part of the USA?
The media acting like this is news is very worrisome. It gives the image of possibility and certain people lack the capacity to understand this is click bait
It is news. Holy shit, this doesn't matter to you? This is not click bait.
No because he can’t buy a country that’s not for sale. It’s click bait. Not my lesson to learn. Good day
I will forever refer to CNN as Clown News Network from now on.
Your header … the legacy media is either … or …
I think AND!
I go with “shamefully complicit.”
Trump is the Frankenstein story. They created a monster they can’t control.
Except Frankenstein was just misunderstood. The real monster was the mob.
Imperialism. straight up ‘gonna take it because i want it’. he admired mafia dons, allegedly was a family bully and now has position, power and access to military and bombs. loves dictators. with 90 million registered voters who didn’t vote, whether by redistricting/voter suppression, bomb threats that closed voter centers, employed in places that didn’t allow long enough break times to go vote, or flat out chose to ignore civic responsibility, we are challenged with how to assist democracy to survive in this country.
Trump is a fucking nut job. And this is the trash that was voted into office. Doesn't say much for Americans. Of course, Harris wasn't any better. Just another warmonger like Biden. We are so screwed.
The story behind this economics and climate change. Currently , there is a drought at the Panama Canal. There is simply not enough water to facilitate regular traffic through the canal. There is currently a traffic jam at either end of the canal. Naturally, the cost to use the canal has increased. On the other hand, quite cynically, the ice sheet is melting in the Arctic, allowing for shipping traffic to increase. So Trump’s answer to all this (with Musk breathing down his neck) is to take over the Panama Canal and to takeover/buy Canada and Greenland.
So what we have now is not simply a lunatic in the presidency, but a lunatic and his new best friend. There is no underestimating the power the richest man in the world will have over a man whose only love is money.
During his first term, Trump also mentioned a possible invasion of Venezuela, and I have heard various ReThuglicans refer to how that nation currently has "our" oil. At least THE GUARDIAN and REUTERS covered these statements (5-6 years ago): and
We must brace ourselves for the worst. Trump may be thinking "Fortress America" -- literally!
Trump has also spoken over the years about "taking" Iraq's oil.
You are correct. is true, but, most of Mr Trumps supporters are ignorant of (true) US history. And those that are not, are experts at twisting it to their ends. Had Arnold won at Quebec, 'New France' likely would have been the fourteenth colony. Which is by no means an apology for the recent absurd comments or negligence of media coverage.
Denmark is a founding member of NATO. I would absolutely call his bluff on this. Just get Britain and France to announce a joint exercise for nuclear-armed subs off the coast of Iceland for 'training'. Let's see how he likes them apples.
It is because of their complicity that I stopped watching legacy media and won't go back to their brainwashing
“The United States imports most of its strategic minerals. China is our largest supplier. Polysilicon, Geranium, Palladium are vital to semiconductors. Magnesium metals, and etcetera all come from China…” —©️Leslye Joy Allen