These Facts have been mentioned numerous times in many and varied news sources but nothing seems to drive home to the GOP and its lemming like followers the reality of their deeply flawed convictions.

Whatever misfiring synapses in their oblivious mental processes are causing this disconnect from reality - it appears to be so embedded that they are blind, deaf and dumb to actual truth. They can only be fixated on a delusion of rage and revenge and the illusion of future financial "rapture".

It is a failure that can only lead to self destruction.

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💯🇺🇸on all of this. I live in SW Mississippi, a supposed red state. Everything you mentioned occurs here IMO. I have never lived anywhere in my entire life where people are unable to learn how to heal their generational trauma without religion. I have never lived anywhere in my life where white privilege seems to be “the norm” & continues that said trauma of “other”. I have never lived anywhere in my life where people refusing to acknowledge their generational trauma, FORCE THEIR TRAUMA UPON OTHERS via drugs, guns, workplace violence, or religion. My race has nothing to do with my experiences here. WE have been ignored. I challenge any Democrat other than beloved Benny T to visit my city/county. Benny gets it.

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Their is a problem with dependency on federal assistance because it is not defined as to what federal assistance. Montana, for instance gets a great deal of farm assistance, as does Indiana, two states that still have a great deal of smaller (in the sense that they are privately owned and farm lands are not swallowed up by corporations. Do you mean social security and Medicare which are not federal assistances, but frequently costly proportions of the government budget, but that is government mismanagement and they should be independently run pension plans, not available or included into the government budget whatsoever.e But by govt. assistance, what about govt officials and offices necessary in large states, such as federal courthouses; SEC, Small Business Admin.etc. If those types of assistance were included the chart would be differently configurated.

I've seen this chart before and I've never seen it defined. The truth a greater preponderance of govt. expenditures are not towards"welfare-type" programs, but programs aimed at economic output, and the economic truth, therefore is considered to be these welfarish programs are somehow not part of economic output but drains upon it.

But, ah! they are a great deal a part of the growth engine, because without those citizens being supported financially either they spend nothing and that stymies the economy because the poorer one is the more one has to spend, especially as credit declines with poverty so there is little they can withdraw from the GDP or invest into the increase of the GDP But the tier above, the so-called middle class would be forced to pick up the slack and spend more and be unable to invest little if anything. The welfare class therefore spurs growth by letting others a greater opportunity to invest.

But ultimately the capatalistic fallacy is that investing equates with wealth, because overall increasing investment has to increase poverty. Poverty, essentially being those who are insufficiently compensated, therefore having an inability to invest; concentrating wealth in fewer hands, increasing poverty, are those who have an insufficienciency to be able to invest. So without these government investments there is no growth economy and the monopolization ends with the capitalist standing I suppose. Then the economy is over and having earned all of the wealth he has nothing because he can only buy from himself and everything he has is invesments which are valueless because it is all debt and even he starves.

Of course that would be the ultimate extreme, but probably an impossible imperialist concentration; but ultimate if the nation continually deinvests in its majority, so as long as a government measures itself of its GDP, then it must invest in its people.

And that is not Keynesian, not Marxist, but trickle down theorist Milton Friedmann whom I borrowed from. It's not complete Friedmann , but the essential political misunderstanding of his overall perspective is that the more the government invests in capital growth by investing not just in the poor, but removing all limits from capital, the investments of the government maintain the capitalist structure and prevent its collapse. The Reaganites and future republicans didn't quite understand the "rest of the story" nor the consequences of Friedmann's idea when converted into trickle down. The concept is, as that the government invests in permitting greater consumerism by investing in people who as they consume will need less being invested in them will create unlimited growth and a market that never collapses.

At any rate, this little stat is somewhat troublesome, it is as lawyer's are supposedly trained to observe, simply ambiguous and I am unaware of its actual meaning. Nevertheless, the overall tone, or what I believe you are trying to project, is overall probably statistically true; and that is what the Trump movement is all about--the statistically more crime and less wealth argument would work much better in red states, or where the arguments you present would be able to have a better chance of appealing to their own circumstances.

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Thank you very much for another excellent article and as you said, a very useful resource for uncommitted voters. Sharing this and will have these stats at the ready for discussions.

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Bravo, Qasim!! This is a powerful summary exposing the literal poverty of Republican policies and rhetoric. The nation has been betrayed by the mainstream media which has failed to illuminate the Republican hypocrisy. It's not a mystery, however, since big money controls the media much like it owns much of Republican policy.

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Unfortunately, in the case of Trump's MAGA alternative reality or universe or whatever, economics or anything else in factual reality for that matter does not matter. In the case of economics the USA is experiencing its best economy since the early 1960s, and clearly has the most productive economy in the world today thanks to legislation consistent with Bidenomics a term that nobody likes despite its overwhelming success where the average wage is four dollars more than it was when he took office and unemployment is the lowest its been since at least the 1990s.

The problem is of course is that MAGA cult and Republican hanger-ons are all in a state of denial preferring all the MAGA misinformation, lies, and so on. That is the reason what we find ourselves in a precarious moment living in the the shocking world of Trump where Insurrectionist-in chief and his minions are already talking about fraudulent elections in 2024 without an iota of proof as they have for the pass eight years.

I am not sure if I have shared this Podcast that I did from the UK last July that was released last week in time for the Nov. 5th election. Check it out, if I did share it with you, then share it liberally, pun intended.

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-purpose-made-podcast/id1558826869?i=1000673701538

In solidarity,


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One of the roots of our present nightmare of republican disinformation system is the abject FAILURE of the Democratic party to do BASIC messaging to the public on ANYTHING. In a complex society,, with so many issues and so much literally overwhelming information, keeping the public informed on basic facts is critical. Linguist George Lakoff tried to tell everyone about this in his book "Don't Think of an Elephant" during the "W" years. Obviously the Democratic party paid no attention. The republican party has been diligent on messaging... they recognized the importance of this. A lot more to be said, but enough for now.

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The claim of Democratic Failure to communicate utterly fails to acknowledge the decades long campaign by the kleptocrats to buy out the "independent" media systems and turn them into right wing zombie echo chambers. Even the few remaining "independent" legacy media channels are either owned by plutocrats who lean precipitously right or who shiver at the prospect of earning the lethal lying manufactured wrath and hypocrisy of the ghoulish MAGA gangsters.

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Dang! Well communicated! We have such an overwhelming red legislature. They do everything in their power to diminish the Dem governor's efforts to improve the quality of life and promote safer and healthier lives for ALL of our citizens. Mostly the choose harm over help.

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Thanks Julia!

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Terrific, concise, and pointed video.

I have asked many times in many places, and I have never gotten answer: what is the Rep/con agenda?

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Thanks Fred.

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I very seriously don't know. "Law and order?" No. "Pro-life?" No. Fiscal responsibility? No. Fidelity to the Constitution? No.

I know what the slogans are, they're not remotely true, and I simply don't get it.

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All health, not just maternal. COVID deaths!

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Yep. Also Dem states are actually expanding Medicaid to ensure low income people have healthcare access. Red states refuse, increasing mortality rates and decreasing life expectancy.

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