Here's what's in the bill, why it is so dangerous, and the meaningful steps you can take to fight back, support women's health, and help block this bill from becoming law
Ok then the Democrats need to introduce one for men. If a man rapes a woman or a child he should lose his penis, toes, fingers and tongue so they can never rape another woman or child again. At least I didn't ask for them to be killed.
So they’re going to execute women who seek abortions. Tell me, what will they do with men who use no protection but simultaneously have no wish to be fathers. Will they also execute men who create unwanted children? It stands to reason that if women who don’t want children are executed, men who create unwanted children should be punished as well.
They are out if their bloomin’ minds! I wish everyone who is involved with this absolute idea receives the karma they deserve Madness, complete madness.
Let’s execute the six white asshole men who came up with this idea!
Let’s execute the assholes in the South Carolina legislature who came up with this bill.
Ok then the Democrats need to introduce one for men. If a man rapes a woman or a child he should lose his penis, toes, fingers and tongue so they can never rape another woman or child again. At least I didn't ask for them to be killed.
Every one of these men should be castrated without anesthesia and buried alive.
Did they add the men having to get vasectomies that impregnated those women? I’m guessing no.
Elected officials ARE NOT OBGYN’s! They should have NO say in our medical decisions!
Unbelievably UnChristian.
If they execute the women, then they should also castrate the men.
Beyond belief! Wonder if these men will advocate death by stoning? The Middle East can give them a tutorial.
So they’re going to execute women who seek abortions. Tell me, what will they do with men who use no protection but simultaneously have no wish to be fathers. Will they also execute men who create unwanted children? It stands to reason that if women who don’t want children are executed, men who create unwanted children should be punished as well.
They are out if their bloomin’ minds! I wish everyone who is involved with this absolute idea receives the karma they deserve Madness, complete madness.
Anyone who supports this bill should be executed.