Warfare with the winners doing all the fighting against the losers.

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I appreciate your optimism.

So many privileged folks don't want equality because they truly believe they "earned" privilege when it was served to them at birth.

Wealth inequality is a much harder sell when more than half the folks on the lower spectrum believe that they will somehow magically reach that upper exhelon by "working harder" or being rescued by the very ones who have stolen their future capabilities.

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There should be a decent wage for working people with bills to pay. What about 19 and 20 year old college students living home for the summer? Same $20/ hour? Or perhaps a statutory exception? Or does one size wage for all work better?

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Those who think anything but capitalism is unAmerican haven’t taken a real look at wahat unregulated capitalism has produced. The extreme wealth gap is what is unAmerican.

Thank you for this well-written article.

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I remember writing about the effects of wealth inequality and being horrified...good article!

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Good article. I do think the wealth transfer primarily came through stagnating wages for workers combined with extreme growth in CEO compensation & stock buybacks and dividends sent to shareholders.

In my paper America's Redistribution of Wealth


I recommend a few policy changes which I think would actually solve that problem like; a max CEO-to-worker pay ratio, fines for corporations with full-time workers on welfare, stock buybacks must be matched with worker bonuses, and an inheritance tax on intergenerational wealth.

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Capitalism = fascism.

The system can't be fixed because it's working as intended. Capitalism can't exist without abject poverty and exploitation.

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Jul 12Liked by Qasim Rashid

Total agreement! Your article is SPOT ON and if we could just wake up the middle class to understand this MAYBE we could get them to stop voting with the party controlled by the super rich. For the people with their head in the sand im talking about the super rich controlled Rethuglican party. You wanna fix wealth inequality stop letting the rich sucker you into being Republicans. They are not the party of family. They use that and anti abortion and guns to sucker in the poor and middle class. Read Project 2025 and you may start to realize they don’t have your best interests at heart. They talk about wealth distribution making u think democrats are coming to take your money. I have news for you - Republicans have been taking your money for many years and redistributing it to the super rich. Aren’t you tired of that. Please people - pull your head out of the sand and wake up. The super rich are determined to have it all. Then we will be back to slave times with the poor and middle class begging for a living from the wealthy. Take back America - Vote for Democrats before its too late!

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Jul 12Liked by Qasim Rashid

I agree with what you're saying sir and I do know that the Biden admin has been trying to address some of these issues. The billion that the IRS collected is due to policies implemented by this administration. It will all be for naught if Trump wins. After I read about this earlier today it made me wonder if that is the real reason his wealthy donors are turning on him rather than the age issue.

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The American Way…..

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