S. Carolina Intros Bill to Execute Women Who Seek An Abortion
Here's what's in the bill, why it is so dangerous, and the meaningful steps you can take to fight back, support women's health, and help block this bill from becoming law
This week MAGA extremists in South Carolina introduced a bill mandating the death penalty for women who seek an abortion. And I am guessing this is probably the first you’ve heard about it. Sadly, corporate media remains criminally silent on these grotesque attacks on women’s health and basic rights. It is critical we remain aware of these threats, because they are real, and that we remain active in responding to these threats in real time. Let’s Address This.
The Facts
South Carolina already ranks 8th nationally in highest maternal mortality rate, and MAGA extremists are apparently vying to become #1. For the second time since 2023, MAGA Republicans in South Carolina have introduced SC H3537, also known as The South Carolina Prenatal Equal Protection Act. South Carolina House Bill 3537 is one of the most extreme pieces of legislation we’ve seen. It proposes changing the legal definition of the word “person” to include an unborn fetus. This means that a woman who gets an abortion could be charged with homicide, a crime punishable by the death penalty in South Carolina. To be clear: this bill would make it possible for the state to execute women for seeking an abortion.
This isn’t just a step backward—it is a dangerous escalation that criminalizes women’s healthcare and puts women’s lives at risk. It is a chilling example of how far extremist lawmakers are willing to go to control women’s bodies. Understand that even if this bill does not become law this time, its introduction has already accomplished the goal of moving the Overton Window towards acceptance. Ultimately, other right wing state legislatures will propose similar bills, in hopes that one such bill reaches the Supreme Court for their stamp of approval. The GOP used this strategy to ultimately overturn Roe, and is again using this strategy to enact this nightmare piece of legislation.
It is critical we act, not just in South Carolina, but in state legislatures nationwide, to prevent these dangerous pieces of legislation from advancing.
What does that action look like?
The Path Forward
We are facing an uphill battle. South Carolina’s own (all male) Supreme Court is already complicit. Despite first blocking a 6-week abortion ban, they then upheld that same ban a few months later 4-1. It seems clear that should H3537 become law, it will also land in front of the same all male Supreme Court, who will likely offer its blessing.
However, I refuse to give up hope, or believe we are helpless. Here are three things you can do right now to help counter this extremism:
If you’re in South Carolina, raise your voice and condemnation of this cruel bill. Look up your representative here and call, email, text (send a pigeon courier if you have to) to make clear to them you reject this barbaric bill and demand it be rescinded immediately. Raise your collective voices.
Support reproductive health organizations in South Carolina with your volunteer time and your dollars. Non-profit orgs like Fact Forward, Planned Parenthood, and the South Carolina Office of Rural Health all need and welcome your support. Each of them are a life line to our neighbors in South Carolina suffering under this draconian legislation.
And finally—every single one of us nationwide can contact the six MAGA extremists who are co-sponsoring this bill to tell them directly just how much we oppose their barbaric legislation. For your convenience, I have researched and listed below their names, official links, and publicly available contact numbers published by the Government of South Carolina:
Representative Rob Harris [R]: (803) 212-6788
Representative Josiah Magnuson [R]: (803) 212-6876
Representative William Chumley [R]: (803) 212-6894
Representative James Burns [R]: (803) 212-6891
Representative Steven Long [R]: (803) 212-6878
Representative Jay Kilmartin [R]: (803) 212-6963

We are facing an extremely difficult next four years, and the task before us seems exhausting—because it is. Legacy media should be sounding the alarm on these dangerous pieces of legislation to keep us informed. But they are sadly asleep at the wheel. Therefore, I ask you to also subscribe to Let’s Address This to support my efforts as I conduct the needed research and calls to action to ensure voters are informed on these critical human rights issues.
I firmly believe in the promise of America, not for any other reason than because I believe in us as a people. Please continue to activate, organize, and mobilize, so we can transform our nation into the more perfect Union built on justice we all deserve.
Note: In July 2024 the South Carolina Supreme Court ruled that South Carolina can execute death row inmates by firing squad. So it is entirely plausible that a woman who receives an abortion is sentenced to death—then executed by firing squad.
Because that's what "pro-life" means to these fascists. It was never about life. It was always about control of women.
They should also be required to prosecute the men who got the women pregnant. That will make them think twice about proposing these horrible laws. The women didn’t get pregnant by themselves.